Successful start at FSG
The first official day begins!
Yesterday we had our first breakfast together on the premises. We started the day with scrambled eggs and coffee. Meanwhile, the camping site slowly filled up and the other teams also arrived. The atmosphere is great and we are looking forward to getting to know the other teams and starting the competition.
Ups and Downs
We started the day with the first scrutineering sessions. The scrutineerings are precise inspections that the team has to pass in order to be allowed to take part in the dynamic events, i.e. the driving events. Unfortunately, we had a few difficulties with the battery scrutineering today and didn't pass the first round of the battery scrutineering.
After making a few small structural changes, we are confident that we will pass tomorrow.
We have received positive feedback and are looking forward to getting everything right tomorrow in the area of battery control.
The team is working flat out to solve the problems and prepare for the other scrutineering sessions!