About Scrutineerings, Learning and Thunderstorms
Today is our third day at the Formula Student event in Verano de' Melegari and we have some exciting news to report!
Just escaped the storm...
First of all, the good news: apart from a little rain, the predicted storm didn't materialise. Our camp and the pit are fine! The rain has even caused a little more water to build up in the nearby river - so nothing stands in the way of a relaxing evening in the river!
Mechanical Scruti & Egress-Test
However, there were some challenges during scrutineering. We spent about three hours in mechanical scrutineering, while at times up to nine scrutineers were gathered around our car, as everyone had a different opinion. After about two and a half hours, however, we were able to identify the necessary changes to pass the re-scrutineering. The final half hour was then the egress test, where all drivers have to prove that they can safely exit the car quickly enough in an emergency - and we're pleased to report that everyone passed!
The best burgers of the event
Meanwhile, the team members at the camp prepared intensively for the statics and studied hard. In the evening, we had delicious hamburgers for refreshment, which really boosted our motivation. At the end of the day, the Business Pitch team practised their presentation in front of the whole team and received very positive feedback.
We are looking forward to tomorrow and will keep you up to date on how it went!